Keytrends AI Content Marketing suite v2.18

This new version of Keytrends adds improvements in the use of features that we already had, and that will allow you to exploit them to the fullest while saving some more time. In addition, we have added a feature that complements the others very well: Comparator. Read on to find out more about it!

1️⃣ You can now use regex expressions in My Search Console Data

If you use regex expressions, or regular expressions to filter queries or pages in your Google Search Console Performance Report (you know they’re useful if you’re looking for specific patterns in your data, like all queries that contain a specific word or phrase, or all pages that contain a certain pattern in their URL), now you can do it without having to go into this Google tool – directly into Keytrends!

With all the data we give you (more than the GSC itself), it made sense for us to add this advanced search. Plus, it’s as easy as selecting whether you want to filter URLs by choosing whether or not they contain the regex expression you use, with the dropdown on the top left:

regex keytrends 1

Any examples of how you could use regular expressions in Search Console?

  • Find all queries containing the word “example”: use the regular expression example.
  • Find all queries that begin with the word “example”: use the regular expression ^example.
  • Find all queries that end with the word “example”: you could use the regular expression example$.
  • Find all pages that contain the word “example” anywhere in the URL: use the regular expression /example.

Between this, and the data analyst we launched a few weeks ago, you can exploit the potential of this data and save a lot of time.

2️⃣ Find your uncovered content gaps faster, filtering

We created Content Gaps to give you an overview of your entire content strategy: with this feature, you have all your topics and entities in the form of clusters and, within them, the most important top keywords to cover (along with relevant data such as monthly and yearly volume).

But Content Gaps is also a record of your content, because when you have covered a keyword, you can see the related URL. There was just one problem: it was difficult for large projects to sift through so much information, and to know what was worth working on and what was done.

We have the solution in the form of 2 filters: content covered, and content not covered (the content gaps). You can find it on the top left, and it is automatically applied to all groups of topics you have.

filtros content gaps 1

3️⃣ Compare and obtain data on up to 10 terms

You already know that in Keytrends you can find out the trend or the volume of interest in the topics of your business and know at what time of the year you should plan content according to the demand for the keyword (especially since we incorporated the seasonal calendar or heat map).

But what if you could make it even easier to check this demand by comparing several topics or entities at the same time? In other words: you could see the trend graph that Google Trends gives you when you compare two keywords. The problem is that Google’s tool only allows you to compare 5 words, and Keytrends, 10. However, you will have to choose a period, as shown in this image, which will be applied to all terms:

terminos comparator 1

Let’s see the result with an example. In this case, we have compared two very similar keywords, so that we have not only been able to see the trend of each one, but also to verify that one of the terms (natural cosmetics) is more used by users than the other:

comparator 1

Do you see the Related Keywords section? We have queries that are growing and that we can take advantage of for, in this case, a multi-brand dermo-cosmetics ecommerce. With this information, you could make the decision to incorporate the brands that are trending, for example.

You can do the same with 10 different terms that are semantically related to each other. For example, you could explore the subcategories of a top-level category to see how demand is fluctuating and whether new trends are emerging.

More news like this coming soon – check the general release notes for more!

Don’t have an account and want to see it? Send us an email or book a 30 minute demo so we can show you how Keytrends is used by the big ecommerce 👇

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