The Vivirse project and the improvement of its SEO through content:
228% more clicks and 400% more online visibility with Keytrends

Vivirse is an international student agency that seeks to help people from all over the world achieve their goals of living, studying and working abroad by providing them with the best information at all points along the way, starting with their websites: Vivirse Malta, Vivirse Dubai y Vivirse Canadá.
Vivirse uses Keytrends since March 2023 and in just six months they have started to see improvements in the performance of their content, especially in their informative blog section:
+372% impressions
+228% clicks
+400% online visibility
*Results from Vivirse Malta.
Vivirse’s needs
With 3 informative content web projects, Vivirse needed to automate the content generation as much as possible:
- Find keywords and common user questions to cover in new content and optimise existing content.
- Fully investigate the user’s search intent, spending less time than it takes to manually use various tools.
- Create the SEO outlines or briefings of the articles.
The aim is to reduce the time spent on each task, usually with manual processes and various tools, in order to increase the frequency of publication and accelerate results.
Keytrends’ solution
Keytrends has the necessary features for Vivirse to automate and accelerate content generation:
1. Entities & keyword research tool
Using this tool has saved Vivirse up to 4 hours per keyword research and not having to rely on multiple data sources.
Para las 3 páginas web (disponibles, además, tanto en español como en portugués) Vivirse ha utilizado la herramienta para encontrar keywords, tendencias y consultas de usuario de varios tipos para optimizar el contenido web, incluyendo la arquitectura y los textos de cada página, dentro de su estrategia de contenidos evergreen.
This has had 3 main advantages for them:
✅ Centralise the keyword research task in 1 tool to streamline workflow
✅ Adapt content creation to user demand by being able to visualise trends and actual keyword volume
✅ To be able to detect uncompetitive trends from the tool itself and promote a parallel fresh content strategy
2. AI Content Assistant
Vivirse researched search intent with Keytrends’ AI Content Assistant to generate outlines for each piece of content, which it then translated into its calendar and in-house writers.
Research user queries and questions (search intent) for each topic in a single tool (without searching Google or paying for other resources) to generate SEO briefings automatically. In addition, they select complementary keywords to be included in the content and use the more than 30 AI text type templates to support the writing.
It is this function that has made the difference in optimising their time spent on content, because they have been able to:
✅ Save up to 6 hours of work, depending on the complexity and length of the content, thanks to the one-click drag-and-drop system.
✅ Check the contents of the best positioned competitors within the wizard itself, without having to go to the SERPs and manually choose each heading to serve as inspiration.
✅ Obtain title ideas, draft sentences and whole paragraphs with AI to complement the copywriting and proofreading work of the editors.
By incorporating Keytrends as a tool in its workflow, Vivivirse has gained agility in the content generation process and in the improvement of traffic and positioning indicators:
✔️ Improved organic visibility with +372% impressions
✔️ Increased traffic with 228% more clicks
✔️ +400% total online visibility
Moreover, thanks to the optimisation of the content strategy workflow, Vivirse has been able to expand its project to another language, Portuguese. At the moment, with Vivirse Malta.
👉 The 2 decisive factors:
- Centralise research and part of the writing process in 1 tool to optimise workflow and resources.
- Automate the research and creation of the briefing to get all the data in one place, without relying on other sources based on manual processes (Google itself, or Google Trends) or requiring the payment of a fee.
The result has been a +400% improvement in the online visibility of the Vivirse Malta project, which has also benefited from one of the most demanding Google improvements of the last year (Google Helpful Content Update). 👇

We help you boost your content strategy results
If you also want to get results with your content, start trying Keytrends in its free version or, even better, let’s see together how it can help you in your strategy in a 30 minutes demo.