AI Content Generation to write 10x faster with AI and user data

Write unique, user-useful and SEO-optimised content at the click of a button.

Our Content Assistant AI helps you publish more and better, because it’s powered by your user research. The goal: you can create content that is 100% tailored to your business and ranks in search engines.

With Keytrends the AI writes for you but without losing sight of what makes your content convert: search intent.

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Better context, better results: the only AI tool that takes search intent into account

Our Assistant’s content generator combines Copilot’s research data, extracted from SERP searches, with AI. Thus, the texts respond to the search intent and achieve visibility on Google. Watch how it works in this short video:

Find out what your user is looking for

Research your user’s needs to meet their search intent and generate your AI content based on the data

Research your competitors and work on the semantics of your content

Drill down into the SERPs from within the tool and extract titles, headings and SEO entities from the top 10 best-ranked competitors

Generate a complete SEO article in 1 click

Tell the AI to write for you based on your brief or let it surprise you: it will research, select the information and present you with an optimised article

All automatically and without using other tools. All you have to do is review, polish and publish.

Prefer to write yourself? AI copywriter helps you with +30 templates to to create 100% original multichannel content

Use the AI text models within Copilot to create targeted content for your acquisition and sales channels. Do this on the basis of your user and competitor data and you will get optimised content in seconds.


Optimised SEO On-Page content for your product or service pages


Generate copy that converts and engages your target audience for your Google and Facebook ads


Articles are useful and optimised for your user. They cover search intent and are free of plagiarism


Persuasive and attention-grabbing texts for your followers on all your social networks


Product texts with what your buyer needs and that differentiate you from your competitors


Write value propositions and generate new ideas for your marketing strategy or plan


Speed up creation and editing: AI gives you ideas and writes titles and descriptions (also from Youtube)


Solve your potential customers’ doubts with FAQs for your website and for Quora

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More than an AI Content generator: work as a team, plan your strategy and measure results

Manage all content with your team and analyse the ROI, traffic and profitability of your strategy

  • Schedule and manage content in just a few clicks: assign a topic, briefing and deadline to your writers and follow up
  • Keep track of what content you have created and what you don’t when you discover new topics to avoid duplication and/or cannibalisation
  • Say goodbye to complex analytics: know at a glance the ROI reported for each piece of content and the ranking and indexing data

Do you want to learn how to create original content that ranks with Keytrends?

Create SEO optimized content and copy for all your business channels with generative AI


Choose a topic from your keyword listings

Look at your listings of queries and opportunities detected by Keytrends and choose what you want to do: create a content or a brief


Write automatically with AI + data

Choose to create content with AI so that we generate a complete and 100% optimised article for your user. Our AI does the SEO researh and copywriting so you only have to review and edit


Create the brief yourself with Copilot

We give you a pre-briefing that you can complete by dragging the research data from the Copilot: titles, questions, entities, queries… This way, you make sure you cover the search intention


Assign an editor and schedule

Once you have either the briefing or the content to finish writing, assign the writer or editor responsible, enter their e-mail address and the delivery date and send it to them from Keytrends