Privacy Policy

Dataxquare’s privacy policy follows the international and European legislation (GDPR) on data protection. In addition, Dataxquare aims to inform the user through this document of their rights and obligations regarding the privacy of their data, as well as explaining why the data is stored and used.

Data collected by Dataxquare

Dataxquare collects all information entered into the application by the user and stores it on its own servers or on the servers of Dataxquare’s storage provider. As this is a Cloud service, storage on servers is a requirement for the operation of the application, which is why the user accepts this fact.

Dataxquare classifies data into two categories: user data and account data.. User data comprises the user’s name and personal details, as well as photographs or other documentation that the user chooses to upload to the application in the account information part and contact information. Account data are those related to the business account created by the user, in any of its different forms: Self-employed, Personal Civil Partnership or Limited Company, comprising invoicing data, expenses, contacts, workers and products.

Finally, Dataxquare collects data from the connecting device through cookies. The user can disable cookies in their browser so that Dataxquare does not collect such information if the user does not want it to be collected. This information is used to carry out studies of browsing and access to the application, as well as the use of the same. The browsing information includes the type of device and its characteristics, location and connection times.

Who is responsible for the processing of your data?

Identity: Dataxquare S.L

Postal Address: C/Simancas 39, 35010, LAS PALMAS DE GRAN CANARIA, LAS PALMAS


For what purpose do we process your personal data?

At Dataxquare S.L. we process the information provided to us by interested parties in order to provide and/or market the products and/or services offered by our firm.

How long will we keep your data for?

The personal data provided will be kept for the time necessary to provide the requested service or to market the product and for the legally established periods of time.

What is the legitimacy for the processing of your data?

The legal basis for processing your data is the performance of a contract or, if this is not the case, the consent of the data subject.

To which recipients will your data be disclosed?

The data will not be communicated to third parties unless legally obliged to do so.

What are your rights when you provide us with your details?

Anyone has the right to obtain information as to whether or not Dataxquare S.L. is processing personal data concerning them.

The persons concerned have the right to access their personal data, as well as to request the rectification of inaccurate data or, where appropriate, to request its deletion when, among other reasons, the data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected.

In certain circumstances, data subjects may request that we restrict the processing of their data, in which case we will only retain the data for the purpose of pursuing or defending claims.

In certain circumstances and for reasons relating to their particular situation, data subjects may object to the processing of their data. In this case, Dataxquare S.L. will stop processing the data, except for compelling legitimate reasons, or the exercise or defence of possible claims.

You may materially exercise your rights in the following way: by sending an email to duly identifying yourself and expressly indicating the specific right you wish to exercise.

If you have given your consent for any particular purpose, you have the right to withdraw the consent given at any time, without affecting the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent prior to its withdrawal.

In case you feel that your rights concerning the protection of your personal data have been violated, especially when you have not obtained satisfaction in the exercise of your rights, you can lodge a complaint with the competent Data Protection Supervisory Authority via its website:

How did we obtain your data

The personal data that we process at Dataxquare S.L. comes from the categories of data that are processed: No special categories of personal data are processed.

Data shared by the user

Many of our services allow you to share information with other users. Remember that when you share information publicly, it can be indexed by search engines. Our services provide you with different options on how to share and remove your content. How to access and update your personal information Whenever you use our services, our goal is to provide you with access to your personal information. If that information is inaccurate, we strive to provide you with ways to remove or update it promptly, unless we are required to maintain that information for legitimate legal or business reasons. When updating your personal information, we may ask you to verify your identity so that we can process your request.

We may refuse requests that are more repetitive than is reasonable, require disproportionate technical effort (for example, to develop a new system or radically change an existing practice), jeopardise the privacy of other users, or are otherwise impractical (for example, requests for information stored in backup systems). Where we are able to offer you the possibility to access and modify your personal data, we will do so free of charge, unless this would require disproportionate effort.

When we provide our services, we will protect your data from accidental or intentional deletion. For this reason, even if you delete your data from our services, we may not immediately destroy any residual copies stored on our active servers or data stored on our security systems.

Accessing and modifying user data

The user may at any time modify his or her user data or the accounts of which he or she is the owner. Dataxquare does not store the modified information, so once the user modifies or deletes the information, it is lost forever within the application.

Los datos que compartimos

No compartimos información personal con empresas, organizaciones ni particulares que no tengan relación con Dataxquare, a menos que se dé alguna de las siguientes circunstancias:

Consentimiento: Compartiremos tus datos personales con empresas, organizaciones o personas físicas ajenas a Dataxquare cuando nos hayas dado tu consentimiento para hacerlo. Tu consentimiento será necesario para compartir datos personales especialmente protegidos.
Tratamiento externo: Proporcionamos información personal a nuestros afiliados o a otras personas o empresas de confianza para que lleven a cabo su procesamiento por parte de Dataxquare, siguiendo nuestras instrucciones y de conformidad con nuestra Política de privacidad, y adoptando otras medidas de seguridad y confidencialidad adecuadas.
Motivos legales: Compartiremos tus datos personales con empresas, organizaciones o personas físicas ajenas a Dataxquare si consideramos de buena fe que existe una necesidad razonable de acceder a dichos datoso utilizarlos, conservarlos o revelarlos para: cumplir cualquier requisito previsto en la legislación o normativa aplicable o atender cualquier requerimiento de un órgano administrativo o judicial, cumplir lo previsto en las Condiciones de servicio vigentes, incluida la investigación de posibles infracciones, detectar o impedir cualquier fraude o incidencia técnica o de seguridad o hacerles frente de otro modo, proteger los derechos, los bienes o la seguridad de Dataxquare, de nuestros usuarios o del público en general en la medida exigida o permitida por la legislación aplicable.

Data security

For Dataxquare, security is of paramount importance. Currently the data storage service is provided by specialised providers with security certificates and anti-hacking systems. Dataxquare has decided to outsource storage to ensure that the provider meets the highest security standards, at levels that Dataxquare could not provide on its own storage servers.

We strive to protect Dataxquare and our users against unauthorised modification, disclosure, destruction or unauthorised access to, or unauthorised access to, the data we hold. In particular: We encrypt many of our services using SSL. We review our policy on data collection, storage and processing, including physical security measures, to prevent unauthorised access to our systems. We limit the access of Dataxquare contractors, agents and employees to personal information they are required to process for Dataxquare and ensure that they comply with strict contractual confidentiality obligations and are subject to appropriate disciplinary action or termination if they fail to comply with such obligations. When this Privacy Policy applies Our Privacy Policy applies to all services offered by Dataxquare and its affiliates, including Dataxquare, but excludes those services that are subject to separate privacy policies that do not incorporate this Privacy Policy.

Application of privacy policy

Our Privacy Policy applies to all services offered by Dataxquare and its affiliates, including Dataxquare, but excludes those services that are subject to separate privacy policies that do not incorporate this Privacy Policy.

Compliance with the law

At Dataxquare we check compliance with our Privacy Policy on a regular basis. We also adhere to various self-regulatory codes. In the event that we receive a formal written complaint, we will contact the complainant to follow up on the complaint. We will work with the relevant regulatory authorities, including local data protection authorities, to resolve any complaints relating to the transfer of personal data that we have not been able to resolve directly with you.


Our Privacy Policy may be modified at any time. We will not limit your rights under this Privacy Policy without your express consent. We will post any changes to this Privacy Policy on this page and, if the changes are significant, we will provide a more prominent notice (for example, we will send you an email notification if the change affects certain services), and we will archive previous versions of this Privacy Policy for your reference.

Learn more about how we process your data

When we need to obtain information from you, we will always ask you to provide it to us voluntarily by giving your express consent through the means provided for this purpose.

The processing of the data collected through the data collection forms on the website or other means will be included in the Register of Processing Activities for which Dataxquare S.L.

Dataxquare S.L treats the data confidentially and adopts the appropriate technical and organisational measures to ensure the appropriate level of security for the processing, in compliance with the requirements of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 and other applicable regulations on Data Protection.

However, Dataxquare S.L. cannot guarantee the absolute invulnerability of the systems, therefore, it assumes no liability for damages resulting from alterations that third parties may cause in the computer systems, electronic documents or user files.

If you choose to leave our website through links to websites that do not belong to our entity, Dataxquare S.L. will not be responsible for the privacy policies of said websites or for the cookies that they may store in the user’s computer.

Our policy regarding the sending of our e-mails is to only send communications that you have requested to receive. If you prefer not to receive these messages by e-mail, we will offer you the possibility of exercising your right to suppress and renounce the receipt of these messages, in accordance with the provisions of Title III, article 22 of Law 34/2002, of Services for the Information Society and Electronic Commerce.