How to write an optimised content for your online shop with AI

In this article we are going to guide you to write informative content that is 100% optimised for user search intent, with the help of AI and our Content Assistant. It extracts all user queries from the SERPs, and you cover them with the help of AI in blog articles that help you capture traffic and build brand awareness for your online shop.


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How to write AI-optimised content in 3 steps

Use case 📝

The editor of the blog of an online appliance shop has to create several SEO articles per month. He does this on the basis of the briefing that the content manager has generated with Keytrends. To write faster, the copywriter will use the Keytrends Content Wizard. Thanks to the research data from the briefing and its revision, the result will be adapted to the search intent and will be original.

Step 1. Locate the content you need to write today

The first thing to do is to locate the specific planned content to be written in the “Your Content” section, within Create. As it is indicated that a briefing has already been created and that the content is in process, this will be the article to be written:

Step 2. Type by yourself or generate text with AI in 1 click

When entering the content, the writer finds the content outline left by the content manager (we tell you about the process in how to create an SEO briefing for a copywriter).

Because the content manager has already researched the user’s search intent, the writer has two options:

1️⃣ Combine human copywriting with the help of Keychat

For this, the writer can transfer the brief to an external text editor and write the content with or without the help of AI. In case of queries, or to ask for short paragraphs or headline ideas, they can use the Keychat (our own personal ChatGPT).

2️⃣ Ask the AI to generate the content at the click of a button

The other option is to do the whole process within Keytrends, but with the help of AI. It’s as easy as clicking on the “Generate AI content” button in the brief. The copywriter will know that the AI Content Assistant is working because a modal like this will appear:


👉 At the end you will have a complete SEO-optimised article, but we always recommend proofreading, revising, adding more information and rewriting where necessary: the AI still doesn’t express itself as naturally as we do!


Step 3. EXTRA: complete the information with Keychat data

Keychat is our own personal ChatGPT, capable of answering your questions about specific data and writing short or long texts. But for the latter, you already have the Content Assistant with AI, so Keychat is ideal for getting extra information that can complete SEO articles.

You can access it from the Content Assistant itself because its screen docks. Once you get the answer you were looking for, you can copy it, go back to the content in the wizard and paste it wherever you want.


✔️ Use Keychat when you want to obtain specific information but also to research for your strategy: keyword lists, topic clusters, buyer persona characteristics… whatever you can think of!

Have you run out of tokens to use Keychat?

Depending on your plan you can make a maximum number of requests to our chat. If you want to get more out of it and a higher plan gives you more than you will use, tell us how many extra tokens you need and you will only pay for this.

To do this go to Upgrade and click on Pay as you go or send us an email to 📨

La imagen tiene un atributo ALT vacío; su nombre de archivo es upgrade.jpg

You can also access directly from here ⬇️

Try to create an article from a briefing or any other type of content. It can be a Social Media post, a script for a video, the copy for an advertisement and more.

Frequently asked questions about AI writing at Keytrends

If your question does not appear, you can leave it in comments so that we can solve it for you and include it in this list (you can also write to us). Thank you!

Keychat takes a long time to respond or gives me no response at all, what do I do?

Our chat is powered by ChatGPT’s technology (the API), so when ChatGPT has a disruption in its service we are also affected. Other times it may be due to an internal error or because we are updating the application. In any case, you can try to close it and open it again or, if it doesn’t work, contact us.

Can I consider all the texts I generate with your AI as valid and publish them without prior revision?

Although AI-generated content is getting better and better, we do not recommend publishing it without human supervision because it can provide erroneous data. It can also make linguistic mistakes, its tone will never be the same as your brand’s and it will not provide the value that your expertise adds to your business. The best thing to do is to complete them.

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