How to do entity research to work semantics into your contents with Keytrends

Visibility in Google no longer depends on repeating keywords but on the total meaning of a content. To understand this, the search engine uses SEO entities, so it is important to deal with them in the content strategy. In this article we guide you to do an entities research without using extra tools or leaving Keytrends, because you can do it with our entities and keyword research tool.


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How to research entities and work on SEO semantics in 3 steps

Use case 📝

An energy and solar panels company and online shop wants to position itself in its field and to do so it is going to optimise its website and create a content strategy to talk about all related topics. It needs to know them in order to build an information architecture and a content structure for the blog that works on SEO semantics.

Step 1. Configure the keyword for which you want to research entities in the tool.

Entity research is part of our keyword and entity research tool, and can be done as part of a keyword research or separately as an entity research.

As with keyword research, it is important to set up your search well to refine your results. Unlike other tools, in Keytrends you can choose the time period you prefer to monitor, and this is key depending on the content you want to optimise.

In this case, the solar company chooses 1 year because it is a very changing and constantly innovating sector (in general, this is the recommended option in most projects).


💡You can also indicate the category of the keyword to avoid keywords that have nothing to do with your sector, and choose the type of search (Organic, News, Youtube…).

Step 2. Get results from entities and related user queries

Once the search has been performed, the results of SEO entities will appear in the “Entities” tab, in various sections depending on the type of result:

🅰️ Google Knowledge Graph results

In this section you can see categorised the major SEO entities around the keyword, both in the form of a list and a knowledge graph. They correspond to the large database that Google has on each entity and the categories in which it classifies them. The Score indicates the degree of relevance/relation to the main search term.


The solar company has here an overview of the major themes that should be present in its web project (e.g. in the information architecture) and in its contents (in the blog) in order to work on semantics and topical authority.

🅱️ Results of SEO entities and relevant terms

We extract relevant terms with different algorithms and for different search types, such as images or Top Stories:

  • Relevant Topic Images: popular entities in image search and their degree of significance or relationship to the overall keyword. They give a clue to the topics related to the main keyword.
  • Relevant Topics NLP Gram: these are the entities used by the top 10 competitors in SERPs in their texts, ordered by frequency of appearance. You can choose the algorithm to see keywords of different lengths. These can be included in your content using the Content Wizard for copywriting.
  • Relevant Topics Top Stories: the same as above but in Google’s featured news that appear for the general keyword. To take into account to create trending content around the terms that are in the news.
  • NER Entities: classification of popular entities in competitors’ texts into Locations (LOC), miscel- laneous (MISC), organisations (ORG) and persons (PER).

Thanks to this, the solar company can expand its content strategy by generating publications around these relevant entities (which will act as major sub-topics of the general subject matter in which it is an expert).

©️ Google PAA results or frequently asked questions from users

Questions that users ask themselves in relation to the keyword searched in Google, and that the solar company is interested in answering by creating specific content or enriching more general publications.


💡KEYTIP: If you are starting a project and you don’t know which keywords to start researching, use the Keychat. With the prompts we suggest you can ask for a list of 25 keywords that will help you get started.

Step 3. EXTRA: Have you run out your entities & keyword research quota?

Each Keytrends plan includes a maximum quota of entity and keyword research. As this may not be enough for you, but a higher plan will give you more than you will use, let us know how many extra entities & keywords research you need and you will only pay for this.

To do this go to Upgrade and click on Pay as you go or send us an email to 📨

La imagen tiene un atributo ALT vacío; su nombre de archivo es upgrade.jpg

You can also access the Upgrade directly from here ⬇️

👉 Do you want to know the basics of keyword and entity research? We explain the basic and essential concepts so you can do it yourself and understand the results in How to do a keyword & entities research with Keytrends.

Frequently asked questions on entity research with Keytrends

If your question does not appear, you can leave it in comments so that we can solve it for you and include it in this list (you can also write to us). Thank you!

Why is it important to research SEO entities and include them in the content?

Detecting SEO entities serves to work on the semantics or meaning of each individual content and of the web project as a whole. Including terms related to the subject matter helps to build the topical authority of our brand, i.e. how expert we are on a subject.

What is the difference between the N-Grams options in NLP Gram’s Relevant Topics and Top Stories?

Unigram, Bigram, and Trigam are different natural language processing models that analyse the terms in a text. The first one analyses single words, the second one analyses combinations followed by two, and the third one analyses three. In <3 we include the rest of the models that are able to take into account a larger number of words. The one that gives the best results is Bigram.

I don’t see any results in some of the entity sections; neither in the Knowledge Graph. Why is this?

You may be searching for a very specific keyword or a keyword with very low search volume, and no information is available. Try a related term that is more general.

I prefer to work with the data in a spreadsheet, can I download it?

Yes, you can download the data by results section or the whole research. You will download a .zip file and inside you will have a sheet for each type of result, including entities (but not the clustered view).

Once I have done the research, when I leave Keytrends will I lose it?

Unlike other tools, we create a history of all your research, so that you can consult an old research at any time and/or delete it when you no longer need it.

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