Keytrends AI content marketing suite v2.0 details
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Our 2.0 version has brought biggest changes to the tool, including a redesign of the app according to our new branding and new functionalities. Let’s explain them!
1. New Onboarding for new users

With our new Onboarding we want to add value from the moment you create an account, because we give you a ready-made content strategy so you can start to create content from the very beginning.
To do this we will requiere a little bit more data, not just you name and e-mail:
1️⃣ We will ask you for your business details and some general keywords or topics.
2️⃣ With them Keytrends will program the search of trends for 1 year, 1 month and 7 days to find and propose you content ideas both evergreen and real time.
That’s how you will be able to start creating content and publishing more 🎉
2. New Alerts Panel with e-mail notifications
All our functions are aimed at streamlining the work of the content strategy. And although we detect trending user searches and present them to you in a list, sometimes it is vital to publish as soon as they appear.
This is where the new alerts function and its panel comes in. With this you can activate an alert for your real time topics, see the the fastest growing new trending words that we would have select for you in the panel, and receive an e-mail for every new trend the moment it appears.

Say goodbye to wasting time deciding what to talk about today in your real-time content strategy, Keytrends does the work for you! The process looks like this:
1️⃣ Add an alert to your topics in real time (go to “My topics” and click on the bell)
2️⃣ Receive an e-mail when we detect a growing trend. This is how it looks:

3️⃣ See them all in the Alerts Panel, classified according to the period of time you have configured in your realtime topic.
4️⃣ Buy extra alerts if you use up your plan (paying only for what you use sounds great, right?)
Prioritise what is on fire on SERPs 🔥, get instant visibility and stay ahead of your competition! We share you a very short guide to the alerts feature:
3. Keytrends new branding
Our suite and our webpage have a new look according to an also new branding. New colours, new fonts and some illustrative patterns that capture our essence: the changeably world of keywords, trends and content.
Now, Keytrends it’s more attractive and accessible to the eye! Tell us if you like it 👌

These are the main highlights of our v2.0, but you can read about the minor improvements and fixed bugs in the general release notes.
Let us know any questions you may have in the comments, send us an e-mail or book a 30 minutes demo you can show you all the new features!