How to identify opportunities in the content already published in your online shop

The content you have already created for your ecommerce is a mine of opportunities to improve your visibility. Many of them just need a content optimisation improvement to rank for new keywords, but first you need to detect them. In this article we show you how to do it with the My Search Console Data function through your positioning data.


Saved vs. manual Search Console analysis


Tool for all content processes


Minimal increase in online visibility

How to identify visibility opportunities in your content (3 steps)

Use case 📝

Any type of ecommerce that creates informative content can detect opportunity pages. It can be blog posts, product or category pages, landing pages… it’s all in Search Console data and with Keytrends it’s now much more accessible. In the video below, we dive into the data of an online shop selling meditation cushions (zafus).

Step 1. Connect your Google Search Console Account

To show you the ranking data you need to determine which contents you need to improve you have to to connect your Google Search Console account with Keytrends. It’s as easy as logging into Google and hitting the “Connect Search Console” button.

💡You’ll know it’s not connected by the orange warning at the top of the screen, and because you won’t see any data in the queries and URLS table.

check cannibalisation content

Step 2. Dive into your data or spot opportunities at a glance with Score

Once your account is connected, you will see all the keywords for which your project ranks, the URL and the positioning data for each one. You have two options:

🅰️ Dive into your data using filters to analyse which content to improve

To make it easier for you to evaluate the contents that have the greatest potential for visibility by implementing improvements, you can filter them by keyword match (containing, not including or matching the word you insert) or by indicators (clicks, impressions, CTR and position higher or lower than the value you indicate). You can also choose the time period.

💡 A good shortcut is to select a predefined filter, such as “Second page”, so that the functionality shows you the pages that have not reached the first results in Google. In this video we show you how to do it manually by indicating the positioning rank, or directly with the filter ↓

🅱️ Be guided by the Score: we tell you which URLS have the greatest potential

To speed up the process you can check the Score column, a score that we give to each content according to its visibility potential. It is the result of weighting all the indicators (the same as you would do manually, but automated).

The higher the Score (0-10), the better the content opportunity.

👉 Once you have found content with potential for improvement, you can re-optimise it in the Keytrends Optimiser.

Step 3. Add more projects to find more potential opportunities

Depending on your Keytrends plan you can work on your content strategy for between 1-20 websites. Your current quota is too low, but a higher plan gives you more than you will use? Tell us how many extra projects you need and you will only pay for this.

To do this go to Upgrade and click on Pay as you go or send us an email to 📨

La imagen tiene un atributo ALT vacío; su nombre de archivo es upgrade.jpg

You can also access directly from here ⬇️

Would you prefer to test the feature on one of your projects? If you were already using Google Search Console, ours is an improved version!

Frequently Asked Questions about My Search Console Data

If your question does not appear, you can leave it in comments so that we can solve it for you and include it in this list (you can also write to us). Thank you!

Is there a limit to the URLS that appear in My Search Console Data?

No, all those that you have registered in your Google Search Console account and that have the correct indexing status (which you can check with the Keytrends Index Status Checker) will appear.

Is there a limit to the time period to analyze?

Yes: data for the previous 16 months are available, starting with the last 72 hours (this is to avoid incomplete data).

What is the “Pac-man” icon for?

You will see it in each URL and it is used to see all the contents that rank for the same keyword. This is the way to detect cannibalisation. You can find more information on how to check the cannibalisation of your content.

Keep learning about Keytrends