How to find out if your ecommerce content has been indexed and when

In this article we are going to guide you through the Index Status Checker so you can find out if your ecommerce content is indexing well on Google. Making sure of this is almost as important as publishing when you spot a search trend so you don’t lose traffic.


Saved in the manual process


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More agility in error detection

How to control the indexing of your content in 3 steps

Use case 📝

An online shop for unlocked mobile phones wants to cover the latest launch of a big brand. To ensure maximum organic visibility and that users opt for your website to buy the smartphone model, they write content and cover related news as quickly as possible as soon as they spot a new search trend. But to achieve this, the indexation of the content has to be instant and error-free, so they will monitor its status with Keytrends.

Step 1. Enter the URL of your Sitemap in Keytrends

Keytrends reads the sitemap of your website to check the status of all your URLS and give you the information, but this is only possible if you enter its address.

Inside the Index Status Checker, in the Analyze section, you can indicate it in the screen that pops up when you click on “Add sitemap”. After that, you don’t have to do anything else, just wait.

check cannibalisation content

Step 2. Confirm the indexing status of your URLS

Soon you will see all the contents included in your sitemap and their indexation status. The important thing is that in the first column you see a green indicator with the word “Indexed”.

check cannibalisation content

Next to it you can see the latest update of that status. If like this media you want your content to be indexed as quickly as possible, look at the Coverage state column to check which states the URL goes through and make sure nothing is blocking indexing under Indexing State (if you see “indexing_allowed” everything is correct).

👉 If you also want to check the positioning of your URLS, go to the My Search Console Data function. There you will see all the SEO indicators, check for cannibalisations and consult the Score that shows you the potential for improvement for each one.

Step 3. Expand your maximum quota of URLS to monitor

Depending on the maximum quota of your plan you may need to check the indexing of more URLS. If a higher plan gives you more than you will use (or if the feature is not included in your quota), tell us how many extra URLS you need and you will only pay for this.

To do this go to Upgrade and click on Pay as you go or email us at 📨

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You can also access directly from here ⬇️

Frequently asked questions about the Index Status Checker

If your question does not appear, you can leave it in comments so that we can solve it for you and include it in this list (you can also write to us). Thank you!

What does the indexing status “Crawled not indexed” mean?

In this case, the URL is not indexed on Google, so you should check it and extract more data in your Google Search Console account.

➖ In one of my URLs I see the indication “Indexing_state_unspecified”, why is this?

This appears when it is detected that the URL has not been indexed, so this indication is often accompanied by other messages in the other columns. For example, “URL is unknown to Google”, or a status of not indexed in the first column.

I just added my sitemap and all the URLS appear with “Unprocessed”, is this normal?

Yes, this is true as long as we read all the sitemap data. If this status does not change, there may be a problem accessing the file or the address you have provided may not be correct.

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