Content Planning and Team Management

Keep up to date with all the content you produce with your team and don’t let a single day go by without publishing

Manage all editorial tasks in one place: from saving, assigning and scheduling topics, to reviewing content and giving feedback

With Keytrends you make sure you cover all the topics of your strategy in time and plan everything with just one tool

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Plan your content and don’t miss a single opportunity to rank

Schedule your content ideas as soon as you discover a trend and have everything planned: briefings, writers and delivery dates

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Assign topics and deadlines to editors

To make sure you don’t miss a new idea, you can do this from the trending lists, from your saved word list or from the Content Assistant

View the status of all the contents

Assign statuses to content as the drafting process progresses for easy, visual tracking

Submit comments and approve final versions

You can add both internal and external staff as collaborators from your project settings tab

All automatically and without the use of other content management tools

Keep track of the topics you cover and avoid duplicating content

You will automatically know at all times if you have created content for a keyword and if you have cannibalising URLs:

  • We show you the content already created and positioned next to the keyword
  • We give you the list of URLs that share the same theme and their traffic data
  • Instantly edit duplicate content with the Wizard or enter the keyword and discover related queries to create other content
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Be aware of the ROI that each piece of content brings you

Check with daily updated data whether your strategy is profitable and which content works best

  • Check the evolution of the positioning data of each URL through SEO indicators: impressions, clicks, CTR and position
  • See at a glance the traffic of each content, the keywords for which it ranks and the results generated by each writer
  • Monitor every euro generated by your content and make decisions to correct and improve your strategy

Do you want to know all the possibilities
of Keytrends?

Organise content in a very simple and collaborative way to optimise the workflow


Read the deliverables

Review content without leaving Keytrends to avoid it getting lost in your inbox.


Comment and send your feedback

Leave your comments on the content, or send personalised feedback to the writer


Approve the final version

Is the content ready? Change its status to Approved and move on to the next task


Measure the impact of content

Once it has been published you will be able to see the traffic it receives and monitor the results of each writer